Even though 90-degree feedback is less preferred than 360-degree feedback, it provides insights that are immediate and specific.

In this blog, we'll explore what is 90-degree feedback, the differences between 90, 180, and 360-degree feedback, and how it works.

What is a 90-Degree Feedback?

This is the most traditional form of feedback, in which the manager sits with the employee and gives them feedback. It doesn't get into the advanced and complicated nuances of feedback like self-assessment and is a great choice for companies who would like to keep things simple. 

In a 90-degree feedback, there is only one evaluator, and that is the supervisor or manager of the employee. They discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the employee during the 90-degree feedback along with the future possibilities for growth.

90-degree feedback:

  • Is excellent for identifying blindspots 
  • Is usually done with the help of a rating scale
  • Ranks employees based on their competencies which they have exhibited in the past 
  • Helps identify employee skill gaps
  • Decides personnel reassignments, layoffs, and/or promotions.

Note: When implementing 90-degree feedback, it's important to structure the process in a way that employees feel at ease and accepting of it.

The goal is to shift the perception of feedback from being a negative or unfair experience to one that is seen as constructive and just.

This involves ensuring that feedback is delivered in a respectful and supportive manner, helping employees understand the value of feedback in their personal and professional development.

Difference Between 90, 180, and 360-Degree Feedback

90 vs 180-Degree Feedback

90-degree feedback is a standard performance assessment in which management assesses an employee's performance. 180-degree feedback, on the other hand, is a procedure in which a leader's team and direct management review their performance while simultaneously conducting a self-evaluation.

  • 90-degree feedback includes receiving input from a single source, usually the immediate supervisor or manager. 180-degree feedback combines input from the individual's supervisor and peers or coworkers at the same level.
  • 90-degree feedback emphasizes the relationship between an individual and their supervisor, offering insights into satisfying managerial objectives. 180-degree feedback provides a larger perspective by including input from both supervisors and peers, allowing for insights into team performance and relationships.
  • 90-degree input has little depth of understanding as it only collects feedback from a single source. 180-degree feedback provides a more balanced perspective by considering input from both superiors and peers, resulting in a greater depth of understanding than 90-degree feedback.

180 vs 360-Degree Feedback

Now things get more interesting. 180-degree feedback involves feedback from the higher-ups and the same level of the employees, while 360-degree, as the name suggests, takes in feedback from subordinates and even the clients. Things come to a full circle here. 

  • 180-degree feedback involves input from two sources, usually the individual's supervisor and peers or coworkers on the same level.
  • 360-degree feedback collects input from a variety of sources, including supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, and occasionally external stakeholders like as clients or consumers.
  • 180-degree feedback provides a balanced perspective by including comments from both supervisors and peers, allowing for insights into team performance and relationships while the other provides a full view by incorporating input from different sources, providing a more complete picture of performance, behaviors, and interactions across various elements of work.
  • 180-degree feedback is moderately complicated to administer, requiring feedback from two sources, but still reasonable when compared to 360-degree feedback. 360-degree feedback is more complicated and resource-intensive to conduct because of the engagement.

How to Conduct 90-Degree Feedback?

90-degree feedback fulfills the basic needs of a feedback system, which is to help employees understand their areas of improvement and then help them get over their pain points. It is an excellent mechanism to consider if you want to give timely feedback procedures a try.

1. Identify the Participants

This initial step involves selecting the employee receiving feedback (ratee) and their direct supervisor. It's crucial for establishing a clear feedback exchange, where roles and expectations are well understood.

2. Define Evaluation Criteria

The next step is defining the criteria to assess the ratee’s performance. These might include specific job skills, behavioral attributes, and key performance indicators (KPIs), aligned with organizational objectives for relevant and actionable feedback.

3. Collect Feedback

Feedback is gathered through structured methods like surveys or one-on-one meetings. The supervisor evaluates the ratee against the chosen criteria, providing specific examples to support their assessments. This phase emphasizes clear, honest communication to ensure the feedback is constructive.

4. Review and Analyze

The ratee reviews the feedback to identify performance insights and areas for improvement. This may involve discussions with the supervisor to clarify any ambiguities and achieve a mutual understanding of the feedback.

5. Implement Development Planning

Based on the feedback, the ratee and their supervisor collaborate to create a personalized development plan. This includes setting specific goals and actions to address identified areas of improvement, aligned with the ratee's career aspirations.

6. Follow-up and Monitor Progress

Regular check-ins and monitoring follow the development plan to assess progress, make adjustments, and ensure continuous support and guidance from the supervisor. This helps maintain the ratee’s developmental trajectory and address any emerging challenges.

Final Thoughts

While 90-degree feedback might seem simpler than broader feedback systems, it plays a crucial role in providing direct and immediate performance insights.

This method, focusing solely on evaluations by a direct supervisor, offers a straightforward approach that can be highly effective for quick assessments and targeted development. It's particularly valuable for those seeking simplicity and clarity in performance management.

Embrace this focused feedback style to enhance individual performance efficiently, paving the way for specific, actionable improvement within your organization.